Originally this blog started as a school project but I feel these dogs deserve to have their stories shared.
In the past 5 years I must say I've learned allot more than I bargained for. I've always had a soft spot for dogs but when I met my boyfriend Glenn and his rescued huskies I could see the pain they experienced in their eyes. The old boy Demon (in pic on left) you could see is happy and has never felt more safe but you could see the damage done in hiss actions kisses were a no the second he was taken from his mother. He was from a puppy placed on a chain in the back yard with a choker collar and was never given water or barley feed. if he tried to kick anything when he was on chain the choker would be pulled tight it wore away all the fur on his neck over time. Eventually as he grew he out grew the choker and it slow started to grow into him. so their he was a pup of only a few months with a collar embedded into his neck with no fur to protect from the cold when winter hits no water but his own urine and enough food to keep him alive. he was taken from there and spend along time in rehabilitation before he was eventually given to musher now race Marshall Jim . Over time Demon became a loving companion to Jim although still no kisses or even a hand lick would come from demons mouth. It was at the Kearney dogsled races that Glenn met Demon with Chinook and the two were buddy's from there with Jim saying good bye to a pale he knew Demon have the love and affection he needed to deal with the trauma he still held on to. In his new home demon continued to thrive as he had with Jim the kisses can come now very rare and far between but it's something and taking him as he is, is what make him always the happiest dog in the yard.
Chinook (in pic on right) he was the proudest reddest husky I had ever seen he was beautifull, and I used 2 l's on purpose because he was gorgeous and he knew it. He also knew his first home raised him to shred first sniff second. I could see the violence in his eyes as he would prowl across the yard at me. I swore sometimes he saw food not me, but always when he reached me it was head to hand for pets or paw on my shoulders to give me kisses. Chinook had been beaten and abused to make him the killer he was supposed to be but when he'd been rescued and then adopted by Glenn's family even in the years before I met him Chinook had softened to the family home and learned fighting was never necessary. Glenn turned Chinook's aggression in to productive play. Chinook had learned to use his teeth as tools not just for normal tearing food but for control as well it took a little time for trust to build on both sides but before long Glenn and Chinook were playing tug-a-war using Chinook's k-9 teeth, I know it sounds odd but the dog wouldn't play with a rope tug nope you had to hook your finger around his k9's so he while he wiggled and pulled backwards, I panicked the first time I watched Glenn play with him this way but then I really watched Chinook. Chinook would not only play with dad but would watch Glenn's every move just to make sure no one got hurt. it's like he could calculate that Glenn was going to trip on a rock before it happened and let go just before so that Glenn wouldn't be hurt on his teeth. Unfortunately due to serious injuries before he was adopted Chinook past away in 2009 from liver failure with his family helpless to cure him.
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